Vadim & Haley | Married

Sigh. Where do I start with this wedding? Vadim and Haley have a special kind of love, a holy kind of love. God spoke to me so much through them. Their wedding day, for me and I assume for many others, was a living breathing testimony of not settling for any less than God’s best for us. It was clear to me, so deep down clear, that Haley is God’s best for Vadim. And that Vadim is God’s best for Haley. And I adore that they waited, trusting God, until they found each other. I respect that. That is hard and faithful work.

Wherever you are today, I pray this love between Haley & Vadim blesses you, as it has so blessed me in my time working on their images and seeing Christ reflected in their tenderness and joy. God rewards our obedience and trust in Him, and even when we falter and fall short - He gives us good gifts in His good timing. Of the mysterious dance between obedience and grace, I have not yet begun to understand. But one thing I know for sure, He will give us what we need, when we need it, and it will always be good. You can trust Him.


Vadim and Haley, be blessed into the hard and faithful good work of marriage. Know that you are building on a holy foundation. I am so excited for all that He has in store for you, and thank you for the ridiculous honor of bearing witness to the beginning of your story. 

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